In January of 2021 my mom was taken to the hospital via ambulance because she had Covid and stopped eating and drinking. She needed fluids and food and rest. Once admitted through the ER they called and said she was having very shallow breathing and needed oxygen assistance. When she left, she had no issues with breathing she was as per my pulse ox at 95% with room air.
The next day l got to the hospital and my mom was in bad shape, on 10 liters of O2 and not well. My first thought was why is her O2 so high, so l lowered it down a few liters every hour. That night l got her DNR that she had from years ago drawn up and gave it to her doctor and nursing staff. They were NOT happy. That meant no ventilators at all. They again had her maxed out this time on 15 liters at this point her nose and throat were raw. I asked for a saline bubbler to be added to that O2. And again, turned down that O2. They were trying to make her dependent on forced O2.
The one thing the staff did not know was that l had a 20-year career in medicine and l am my mother’s power of attorney for all her medical affairs. So, l let them have it and told them to stop raising her O2 to unnecessary levels. I stayed in that hospital for 8 hours a day watching them like a hawk. Then l started giving her Ivermectin prescribed by America’s Frontline Doctors (days prior to her hospital stay). She was getting better and better. And they were not sure how or why. The next morning her PCP tried to talk my mom into okaying Remdesivir, and l walked in and reminded that pulmonologist and her PCP that they needed to discuss that with me since l was overseeing her care. And l told him absolutely a hard NO. He stormed out of her room and shut her door super hard on the way out. I then wrote on her grease board NO REMDESIVIR EVER; any questions to call me.
The next day it was erased from her grease board. After day three of the Ivermectin my mom was doing great they said they were going to consider sending her home.
The next day they had her O2 raised to high levels again and said her breathing was really shallow during the night. I lowered it every hour watching that pulse ox like a hawk. That evening when l left l said her O2 is down to 1 liter with no pulse ox alarm going off. I told the nurses, when l come in the morning l expect that O2 to be removed and her to be fully discharged. If not, there will be big problems.
They tried really hard to make her forced air dependent, to give Remdesivir, and to a vent to her death. But my curveball screwed up their chance to murder my mom.
At my mom’s first checkup appointment I told her primary doctor l used Ivermectin behind all of their backs and she was not happy; as a slap in the face so she knew l knew what they were doing. My mom still goes to that hack of a doctor, which I’m not happy about, but she knows l will be watching her every move. I go to every appointment, and she has to look at me knowing that l know and her time as a doctor may soon come to an end. I wonder how many she personally murdered?
Pittsburgh, PA