Prayers Urgently Needed
I remember where I was when I heard your interview. I don't remember if it was Shawn from SGT Report or Scott Kesterson from BardsFM. I do remember my heart breaking for your loss of Grace. My momma was 79 when they hospitalized her for covid, and 9 days later, she miraculously was released, though she has suffered much due to her prescribed poisoning (Rem) and lack of early treatment for said disease. I am now her and my dad's caregiver. However, I am writing for a completely different reason.
My nephew Jack had a stroke when he was born 12 years ago. He had a hemispherectomy at the age of 22 months and defied all odds by learning to walk, talk and even ski! However, his seizures began to come back, and he went in July 21 for a "minor" follow-up brain surgery. He should have been home in a day or two, seizure-free and getting back to his school, which he loved, his little brother, his best friend, and his puppy and the kittens we gave them earlier this year. However, he did not recover from surgery, and about a month later his parents received confirmation from a neuro specialist at UCLA that he was indeed injured during the surgery; the scalpel went too deep. Jack is still fighting for his life, 2 months later. He has been in and out of consciousness. He has at times been able to stand, sit, speak a few words, and once was able to open his eyelids a little. He has not been able to see since the surgery, though they say his vision should be ok if they can get his eyelids to open. He is now being told that this is his new normal. They cannot release him to rehab because he is medically fragile. They will not do rehab with him in the hospital (Children's in Denver) hardly at all. His momma is fighting for him with all of her being, just as she has since he was a baby. She is an extremely competent, professional woman (though has chosen to be a stay-at-home mom to best care for her children), and though she is a tiny lady, she is fierce to protect and advocate for Jack. Yet she is being met with complacency and rejection at all points at this hospital. At one point they sought to transfer him to another hospital, but insurance denied it (no surprise there). At another point he was sent to a regular room where she felt they were leaving him to die.
I am fighting for Jack in any way that I can--beginning with prayer, and now reaching out for prayer from others and for advice. They are now beginning to pursue legal action, naturally, and could use advice in that area. But I believe that God wants to do a miraculous healing for Jack. You see, Jack has always wanted to preach the gospel. He used to be a high-energy chatterbug who loved to tell people "how it is", and one of those things is that he loves Jesus and that others need to know Him. I believe we are in a spiritual war, and that the enemy is fighting Jack because he knows his call. Would you please pray for Jack, for his parents, Paul and April, and for his little brother Camden? Please pray especially for April to receive the help Jack needs, or for the miracle to prove that GOD will make a way. And if for some reason God chooses to call Jack home, that his life will still preach...because that's Jack's desire.
Thank you so much. May God empower you as you pour out to so many others even in your great grief.
Muldrow City, OK