I am listening to your four videos in the 12/26/24 email. In the third one, you said the nurses were refusing to save Grace because the doctor wrote a DNR order. I am a registered nurse. In my experience, immediate family can override a DNR. Is it written in the hospital policies any other way?
I was just fired (11/22/24) from Christie Clinic in Champaign, Illinois because of refusal to obey bad orders. Nurses are not just puppets of a doctor or facility, although it looks like we have become that. Nurses are not to obey bad orders. It is the safety net for patients because any doctor can make a mistake. And often conditions change while the doctor is not present.
I have been a registered nurse for 31 years. Eighteen of those years were in the hospital, most of which was cardiac procedural, interventional radiology. (OSHA training taught yearly that we were never to wear a mask outside of the procedural room because is spreads nosocomial infection.) I became a pacemaker/defibrillator specialist. My last 11 years have been in a stress testing lab and clinical cardiac device specialist.
Healthcare was in a big change when I began in 1993. It is now owned by corporations that see doctors and nurses as objects to be used. Like the government, healthcare is an administrative bureaucracy. Nurses are seen as a liability on the balance sheet. This is not about good care of people. Corporations that claim association to Jesus Christ are using Him as a marketing tool.
The ICD (diagnosis) codes are international for a reason. Standards of Care touted by government agencies are diabolical. That serves the purpose of replacing thinking doctors and nurses. I was shocked to find young nurses who have not been taught about the Nuremberg Code. I was scoffed at when I tried to educate them.
I had already researched the vaccination debacle when they tried to mandate flu injections years ago. The answer is found in the package inserts, showing no science to back the mandates. I knew by April 2020 that the media and government were lying. I did not participate in the science experiment. I was forced out of my job October 2021, but returned to the same position January 2024.
This last firing from my nursing position was refusal to mask. The research has now been reported. Multiple websites have hundreds of studies showing lockdown, 6 foot distancing, and masking was a hoax. Masking to stop a virus sized particle is fiction. It is used as a tool to coerce healthcare employees to take the toxic injections. Eugenicists have been running the show. It is Satanic.
Thanks for the work you are doing, Schara family. We are praying for you!
Tuscola, IL