I live in Illinois, but my story is from Indiana. Until I heard Grace's Story, I have not told mine.

My dad and mom were diagnosed with COVID-19 on November 9, 2020. A week later, my father was admitted to Parkview Randallia Hospital. He had A-fib for years. This was at the beginning of the Pandemic. I do not think the doctors and nurses really knew what to do with patients who had active COVID-19.

My dad did not need a respirator, thank God, but the A-fib caused his legs to fill up with blood clots.

On November 27, they told us that his only option was amputation. We said no way in hell. He would not want that. He went into hospice on November 30th and died on December 1st.

I have always had an uneasy feeling about the events that led to his death. I am really thinking I need to get his medical records and taking a closer look.

Lomabard, IL