I’ve been following your story ever since it came out and it touched me because my story is very similar to yours.

My mother also passed 2 years ago, she was also mentally challenged, both my parents were, and I took care of both of them my whole life. My father passed 8 years ago before all the Covid madness but my mom unfortunately lived through it until she got sick. I got sick 10 years ago and could no longer take care of them so I decided to put them in a home where they could better be helped, and they were both happy there, they were getting healthy.

Unfortunately, my dad had passed, and my mom was there alone through Covid. They wouldn’t let me go see her or take her home like I usually did on the weekends. I was only able to see her through a window, and it would be 2 years until I finally was able too. Unfortunately, she had to get all her Covid shots, and she still ended up getting Covid, but she was fine and didn’t get sick at all.

Not long after she got the booster my mom started to get really sick and her kidneys started to fail, and she was admitted to the hospital. They ended up putting her in the Covid ward which was crazy because I know she didn’t have Covid! I was very close to the staff where she stayed, and they checked her constantly and the staff made sure and let me know she was fine. But the hospital insisted she had it!

She was one of only two people on the Covid floor. They didn’t even want to let me in to see her but I fought like hell to be with her, and besides my mom was hysterically screaming and not understanding what was going on! So, they sedated her and finally allowed me in.

Now I look back and knowing what I know now everything makes so much sense! I know she died after getting the booster and because of the hospital protocols, and I know she wasn’t sick with Covid because the hospital made me wear a whole hazmat suit and when they weren’t looking I took it off because my mom didn’t even recognize me. I didn’t get sick after I hugged my mom, kissed her and even held her hand.

I understand how you must’ve felt. I’m so sorry for your loss but it was hard seeing my mom take her last breath and die in front of me. After hearing you on Dr Jane I had to reach out and share my story; sending you thoughts and prayers.

Stockton, CA