Jiggy Jaquar (5/28/2024)
Live interview with James Lowe to
discuss the progression of Deprogamming.
Get Free with Kristie Leigh (5/28/2024)
Scott and Kristie walk through
the updates on the lawsuit and more.
C’s Newsletter (5/28/2024)
Comments on the lawsuit progress.
Chisinau Forum 2024 (5/25/2024)
Scott is a speaker at this event.
American Medicine Today (5/25/2024)
Kimberly asks Scott about what
happened to Grace in the hospital.
Deprogramming with Grace's Dad (5/23/2024)
So, You Want to File a Medical Murder Lawsuit?
Bill Martinez (5/22/2024)
Live interview to discuss update on
lawsuit, medical murder, and legislation lies.
C’s Newsletter (5/22/2024)
A transcription of prior live presentation.
"Strictly Speaking" with Bob Frantz (5/21/2024)
Bob and Scott discuss Grace’s murder and
the medical murder claim Scott is making.
On Fire (5/19/2024)
Scott and Mark discuss the medical murder agenda.
Excellent short interview.
Yuri Roska (5/17/2024)
Yuri discusses the Satanic agenda with Scott.
Deprogramming with Grace's Dad (5/17/2024)
Freedom Counsel: Legal Opportunities to Rein in
the Medical Industrial Complex
Stand Up For The Truth (5/13/2024)
Scott and Terra walk through updates on
the lawsuit and Scott’s research.
Mel K (5/12/2024)
Scott and Mel walk through Scott’s highlight
reel after 3500 hours of research.
Ringside Politics (5/11/2024)
Scott and Jeff discuss the facts regarding
Grace’s illegal DNR and what’s
happening across the country.
The Power Hour (5/10/2024)
Scott and Dave walk through current events
relative to the lawsuit and the attempt at a gag order.
No Mercy (5/10/2024)
Trailer for upcoming documentary
featuring Grace’s case.
Wisconsin Christian News (5/10/2024)
Medical Murder for Profit Op-ed.
Deprogramming with Grace's Dad (5/10/2024)
Chisinau Forum 2024
Think Tank Speech
Ba’al Busters (5/8/2024)
Daniel and Scott walk through
Scott’s highlight reel of 3500 hours of research.
Angry Citizen (5/7/2024)
Dana, Scott, and Paul go through
some updates and Q & A.
Medical Murder for Profit (5/7/2024)
Op-ed by Scott.
Turn the Page (5/7/2024)
Q & A with Janine.
Agenda Weekly (5/5/2024)
Curtis breaks down the medical
industry using Scott’s highlight reel.
Med Mission (5/4/2024)
Joyce and Scott walk through
Grace’s death and introduction
to Scott’s research.
Eric Bombeck – NewsTalk 790 (5/1/2025)
Live interview discussing Grace’s murder
and the medical murder agenda.