In the beginning of 2021, my beautiful sister-in-law Rachel health 52 year old had taken the first vaccine January, several weeks later in February she received her second vaccine. In May of 2021 she was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney cancer and passed away in July 10th 2021. I certainly do believe with all my heart it was the vaccine that made the cancer run like wildfire in her body!!

Christopher and I were married 29 years, He passed away October 8th of 2021 at 1:25 p.m. that's when his heart stopped, and my world stopped. My 3 children's daddy and my 9 grandkids Papa Was Gone to Heaven.

September 14, 2021 my husband had a routine physical at his primary care doctor which showed that he was a little overweight and needed high blood pressure medicine otherwise he was healthy. My husband was processing nasal swabs at work, testing inmates for Covid-19 on September 15th and 16th 2021. He became ill September 17th and tested positive for Covid-19 on Monday September 20th. His breathing got worse and on September 28th my husband was admitted to the hospital.

At the hospital I was separated from my husband, unable to stay with him, unable to talk to him on the phone, we communicated through a few text messages. They were giving him Propofol even though he wasn't vented, they withheld food and water he lost 21lbs in 8 days, they gave him only 3 bottles of Ensure per day and gave him 43 different medications. After 4 days of receiving Remdesivir daily, his kidneys and liver started to fail.

They stopped the Remdesivir for one day on Sunday October 3rd. After speaking to the nurse, I went to the hospital because they were going to stop giving my husband three bottles of Ensure each day. The next day Monday October 4th his blood work had improved. Because of the Improvement the doctor started him back on Remdesivir. On Monday October 4th I contacted the hospital social worker and received power of attorney for my husband's health. The doctor still wouldn't listen to me; she refused to meet with me for a care plan for my husband and she would not stop administering the Remdesivir per my daily requests.

Several dates I requested her test for lung infections WBC 34.5 and to give him antibiotics. 8 days after being admitted they did find an infection in both his lungs - double pneumonia and started him on antibiotic Vancomycin which causes kidney damage but that did not save him; the damage was done.

My Chris was deprived food and water. He suffered a horrific death, these people in the health field knew what they were doing all for a profit of cash incentives, EVILNESS!

If you get Covid, contact for medication. DON'T GO TO THE HOSPITAL.

Our family is commented to get ⚖ Justice for Chris and millions that this has happened to. Please share Chris's story with others to save others,

Oak Creek, WI